What is National Hug Your Boss Day?
National Hug Your Boss Day was created by TipTopJob.com back in 2008.
The idea behind launching the day was to promote healthy workplace relationships. We believe that if you
like your boss and colleagues then you are more than likely
to enjoy your job and this in turn may lead to better morale/motivation at work and therefore productivity. We are not saying this is always going to be the case but it is the logic behind the fun!!
We figure that because you spend
most of your waking day with those
at work, why not make it a more
enjoyable experience by getting
along with everyone and trying to
develop the relationships you have?
To promote healthy working relationships worldwide and provide
assistance to those who need help to better their relationships with colleagues and managers.
All you need to do is capture a photo or a video of you hugging your boss or colleagues and either send it to hugyourboss@tiptopjob.com, upload it to our Facebook page or share via Twitter, Instagram, YouTube using the hashtags #hugyourboss or #hugyourbossday. You will also see your picture or video featured in the Galleries on the website. By sharing your video, we reserve the right to re-post and share across our social media platforms and network.
Loves her job :)...
Loves her jobs even more :)...
The hidden man that can...
Owner of the TTJ network...
"If you can hug your boss, you love your job!!!!"
"National hug your boss day!! This was spectacular giving the fact she despises affection"
"It's Hug Your Boss Day @decodedigital! Trust us, our boss is under there...somewhere...among all those hugs"
Decode Digital
"We loved participating in National Hug Your Boss Day! Thank you BDS Marketing"
BDS Marketing