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How to get along with your boss

How to get along with your boss

As it is a good idea to make sure you are friends with your boss, you may wish to take certain steps to foster a better relationship with them.

Make sure you know the boundaries of your role and the difference between your position and your bosses. It is important to complete the tasks you have been set and avoid doing what you shouldn’t otherwise you will feel like you have done a lot of work and not get praised for it. You may even be stepping on other peoples toes and wasting a lot of time. Try to refer back to your job description regularly and make sure you are fulfilling your requirements.

Come into work to work instead of doing all your personal errands and dealing with personal issues. If you need to call the doctor or plumber, then ask but do not get caught sitting on Facebook or sending personal emails all day because this will not go down well with your boss.

Communicate with your boss regularly and if you think you cannot do something or you cannot meet your targets or deadlines, tell them. It looks worse if you have a mad panic at the last minute or you make mistakes along the way so always make sure you communicate any questions or problems as you encounter them.

Also, do not get annoyed or stressed with your boss as this could cause you to loose your actual job. If you have a problem with your boss or there is something getting under your skin, speak to them as this will clear the air and help your relationship.

Do not be late. This is a pet hate for most bosses and can ruin a working relationship. On top of this, fellow employees can feel resentment towards you and complain about you to your boss if it happens too much. This is an easy thing to avoid by just leaving a little earlier in the morning.

Do your best to get on with your boss and please them with your performance. This will ensure your boss enjoys working with you, it can help your motivation and make your time at work more pleasurable.