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What behaviour is acceptable in work

What behaviour is acceptable in work

Some bosses see certain behaviour as totally unacceptable where others see it as standard. Every boss is different and all companies have certain company rules and policies but here is a guideline about what we think you should allow and what you shouldn’t. If you are confused and need some help, hopefully we can help.

Dress – depending on what industry you work in suits and smart dress helps to keep the employees minds on the job and fosters a healthy working attitude. Allow dress down Fridays or dress down days where employees can come in, in their own clothes.

Personal dealings – everyone may need to call the doctor or arrange a delivery from time to time so it is important to allow your staff the flexibility to be able to make a personal call or come in half an hour late from a visit to the dentist. If you are completely restrictive and do not allow any calls or flexibility with dealing with personal errands, you will come across sneaky phone calls in the toilet and sick days. Be realistic!

Internet usage – should you allow Facebook? Personal email account? Again, it obviously depends on the industry you deal with but in general it is a good idea to ban the use of sites that can take up so much time within working hours and allow them before and after work and during lunch.

Personal chatting and joking around – an office that is strict on no talking about anything other than work is just not real and can be very restrictive and not enjoyable. Being able to speak to your colleagues as friends and discuss your weekend antics creates a nice working atmosphere for everyone there. It is great to be able to have fun at work if it has an effort on hard work and performance.

It really depends on your requirements and what sort of people you manage. Different industries will create different levels of management; for example, sales people and accountants may be treated very differently, likewise small companies may be more flexible compared to larger corporate companies.